Beach Picnic Tips PismoBeachPicnic2

A Classic California summer calls for a picnic at the beach!

Set the Scene: Use a shade umbrella or sun-tent for comfort and spread your picnic on a tablecloth on the sand. It's lighter than a blanket and easier to wash.

Fun Finger Foods: Pack finger foods to avoid packing silverware and plates. Finger foods can easily be served on small paper plates or napkins. Favorite picnic finger foods include: grapes, berries, and baby carrots; pre-sliced melon and other raw veggies and fruits. Sliced cheese and crackers. Cut sandwiches and wraps in halves or quarters. Chips and puffs. Nuts and dried fruits. For the kiddies, beach-themed foods are fun -- try goldfish crackers, fish-shaped fruit snacks, and seaweed crackers. (Avoid anything with frosting, which can melt and sandwiches with mayonnaise, which can go bad in the heat).

Freeze Water Bottles: Take along bottles of partially frozen water that you can both drink and also, will keep your food cold. The frozen bottles will help you avoid the weight and wastewater from melted ice that would otherwise not be consumed.

Easy Cleanup!: Bring baby wipes to help with cleanup and pack a trash bag to properly dispose of leftovers. Remember if you pack it in to pack it out!

Bon Appetite on the Beach!